Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill was born at Blenheim palace on November 30, 1874. As a schoolboy, Winston was remarkably dull, undisciplined, naughty and perverse, and incapable of forging a career in law as his father had wanted for him. On a fateful day while Winston was playing with toy soldiers on the nursery floor, maneuvering a large force of his own soldiers against an opposing army of native troops handled by his younger brother; his father, who was watching him at the time was amazed at the considerable skill and intelligence shown and saw a possible career path for young Winston. There and then he asked his son if he would like to go into the Army and with the positive response of the boy, the matter was settled.
Winston was especially not the kind of person that will be referred to as amiable. Throughout his career, he had always shown a confident assurance of knowing better than anyone else, there’s always this underlying surety in his abilities as a soldier.
From 1895 to 1898, he was involved in wars and fighting for his country, honing his soldierly skills and asserting his beliefs which usually turn out to be right. Later, he became a war correspondent as his interest always lies in the happenings of the Army. In 1899, he decided to leave the Army and enter into politics, relying on his writing skills for a living, and lost a by-election at Odlham.
The Boer war started in the autumn of that same year and he dashed off to act as chief war correspondent for the Morning post, he was taken as a prisoner during the war. The prison did not hold him for long as he was able to escape and got as far as Durban through his ingenuity. He now joined Byng’s South African Light Horse, known as the Cockyoli Birds, and was the first to enter Ladysmith. He rode through Johannesburg on a bicycle when the Boers still held it, and led the Army into Pretoria.
In 1900, he turned again to politics and soon made his mark parliament as a brilliant speaker. In politics, he was a progressive Tory democrat and Free trader, opposing Joseph Chamberlain in 1903 when he started his Tariff Reform campaign in Parliament.
From 1900 through 1939, Winston was involved in various acts and served in various offices. On May 11, 1940, he became the prime minister of Britain. He inherited an appalling situation as Britain had joined forces with French forces to fight against the invasion of Germans.

2 thoughts on “Winston Churchill

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